Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Cuzzin Tim arrives today

Barry will be going to pick up Cuzzin Tim at airport this a.m.

Radiation/Day 8.

Barry picked up Tim at the airport. Actually the plane was a bit early. Before Barry had even left for the airport, he bought some beef jerky for him. One of his requests for the visit. They arrived at the house shortly after noon. It was so great to see Tim. It's been too long in between visits. And I've said this before when my family was here in April: Family IS the best medicine. Not only do I feel it, I know that Barry is truly enjoying his cousin's visit.

We went out to lunch at Rachel's and then I took off for my daily radiation treatment. It was actually nice not having to run back to work after the appointment.

Barry went to work for a couple of hours. This allowed me the time to give Tim a tour of the Amish countryside. He kept saying to me "show me some Amish". He was able to get good footage of some local Amish (OK to photograph if not asked to pose) as I made a purchase of fresh tomatoes. Eileen, you would have loved to see the young 'uns. So cute.

While Tim was at band practice, the three of us went out to dinner. He compared the area we live in to being like Alaska frontier! I think Tim is in culture shock being in this area. While sitting outside this afternoon with him, he was amazed that he only saw 2 kids riding bikes and perhaps a total of 5 vehicles on our road. And mom, he also likes the sound of clip/clop of the horses. He needs to be close to the ocean like my father. But for now in my life, the silence of this area is so soothing to my soul.

Well, it's a little before 11 p.m. and the big boys are in bed already. A busy but enjoyable day. Unfortunately I have to work tomorrow, but this will give Barry and his cousin time to be together.


Anonymous said...

Jane, ask CUZZIN Tim if he is ready to take another cycle trip to the outer banks with u and Barry?? Ahhh, remember those days??

Anonymous said...

OK, Jane....
What goes clip-clop, clip-clop...BANG!...clip-clop, clip-clop...BANG!

An Amish drive-by shooting! :)

I've decided this isn't the Alaskan's the Martian frontier. Peoples eyes are toooo far apart here.