Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Radiation/Day 2

It was day 2 for another hell of a day at my job, and day 2 for my radiation. Once again, only 2 of us working a Help Line. And it could be that way for the rest of the week. I'm not sure how much longer I can work under such conditions. I've been going in a bit early just to compensate for the time away for my radiation appt. in the afternoon. And not even taking a whole lunch. And to think this is the time I need to rest and get strong for these 7 weeks of radiation. Something's wrong with this picture. In my opinion, considering how hard I have worked these past couple of days, you would think a boss could say two small words to me: thank you. But I guess that is for dreamers. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if I was able to get a good night's sleep.

I leave work at 2:30 p.m. and go directly to my appointment, and back to work by a little past 3 p.m. While there, I talk to others and they can't believe that I'm running for radiation while working full time. You get to meet and talk with same people each day due to everyone being on a schedule. Nice people.

Well, enough of me bitchin' in plain English. Can't call it PMS!

Oh yes, as for people suggesting nice sounds to sleep by: I wish I could but I'm the type person who needs quiet while sleeping. Perhaps I've got to change my ways in my young life...


Anonymous said...

...i.e., work...act, don't re-act!

Let people in charge know how you're feeling. If you don't, they'll continue to use and abuse you while you're there.

You deserve a lot better treatment than you're receiving.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tim. You need to tell the powers that be at work that you are exhausted. I hate to sound this way but it is my understanding from friends who have had radiation that it only gets worse. Friends have told me that at about five weeks you hit a wall and you have to nap everyday. "Have to" being the operative words. You need to think of you now. Remember this is your life! If it was happening to them (the powers that be), you better believe they would be much more understanding. Hang in there Jane. I hope you can see the light at the end of the tunnel! You are awesome! Love, Mary Lou

Anonymous said...

Mary Lou and Tim are right. Whine a little.
Sounds like they are basically stupid so, unfortunately, you have to educate them.