Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A day to comfort a friend

When I look back at today, what sticks in my mind is comforting a girl who I work with. When she came to work she was in tears as she walked by my desk. I am known as a giver of hugs, and I immediately put my arms around her and brought her to the bathroom. She's going through boy friend problems. It hurts me to see someone so distressed. I definitely don't have the solution or answer to her problem, but it's so important just to show compassion when someone is down in the dumps. I may not go to church every week but I do believe that living by caring is what it's all about.

When I got home there was a message on my machine. Someone was asking if I could chaperone the band at the Halloween parade this Saturday. I had put the word out that I was able to help out if needed now that I'm done my treatment. I returned the call and said yes, I would be happy to help out. Just a little something but it does make me feel good to do.

I've also heard that a bosom buddy of mine is having some additional breast surgery mid November. I ask that you keep her in your prayers while she prepares for this surgery, and for a speedy recovery. She was actually my first bosom buddy since I was diagnosed. She continues to be my inspiration.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,
Have you heard anything more about the Amish Gentleman that was telling you that his wife had a lump in her breast?
Thank you,