Sunday, October 30, 2005

It was another gorgeous day in Western Pa. Tim mowed the front lawn, and I did the back lawn.

I took him and a couple of his friends over to the movies this afternoon. I think this is about the only time we've been apart all weekend. While he was gone I made chicken marsala for Barry. Definitely not for me. I am not a mushroom lover. But he will certainly enjoy it. He doesn't request much so it's only fitting that I make something he asks for.

Have got word that Barry's parents will be coming for a visit next week. We are really looking forward to that. Nothing like family.

I talked to one of my bosom buds this evening. Her last radiation treatment is November 1st. She went through chemo and radiation. She told me that she called her radiation treatment her "tanning sessions"! You have to make the best out of the situation to get yourself through it. Congratulations Aileen!! You are a true survivor and I'm so glad you came into my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell Popps I said hello!!