Wednesday, October 05, 2005

My radiation is complete!

And I'm looking forward to it. Never thought it would come. Thanks to all for your continued prayers for us. Sort of a bittersweet day but I have to take time to celebrate for me. Now I can focus on Barry.

Upon arriving at work I was greatly surprised! My department had decorated my desk and had planned a congratulations party for me. I was truly surprised. My desk was all decorated with balloons and streamers, with a Way To Go message on a bulletin board. I received a mum plant from my boss's mother. She actually delivered it to me at the bank. It was the first time I had met her.

I also received a beautiful fall bouquet of flowers from the whole building where I work. And to top it off, a bottle of champagne was given to me by Andy L. and Beth C. from the Administration area of our building. I've taken lots of pictures and will show them to you.

It's not just a food party, it's also a cake party. Two huge trays with cake were delivered for me to share with the whole building. Soon an email is going to be mailed to all employees to come up for a piece of cake.

I am truly blessed. And so appreciative of this attention. Today is definitely one of the GOOD DAYS. Thanks to all.

I had my last radiation appointment today! Wow. All done. I was also able to pick up Barry's pills that the drug company provided us. He will start taking a daily pill this evening. My follow up appointment is next February. As I was leaving I ran in to Dr. Garrow my oncologist. Took a picture of him and myself. I actually received a certificate for completing radiation treatment. Was scheduled to have follow up appt. with him but he said to reschedule in a couple of weeks. Said I should relax for a few days, no need to see him now.

As soon as I could tell that there was going to be cake leftover, I thought of Barry and his crew. I knew the exact place to bring it. Tim and I delivered it to him at his job. He was able to enjoy a piece. It didn't take long for the guys and gals to have some of it. I was so happy to share my good day with them. And Meg has been wanting to see me in person. So many of his employees have been supportive of both of us during this process.

Since Barry had gone to work early today, he surprised me and was able to leave work and join Tim and myself for dinner. This was a nice treat. We went out to dinner as a family. Something I had not expected to do which made it more special.

What a day. A great day. I know the days ahead may be difficult but today I had to soak in the good stuff. A time to energize my soul. I truly saw many angels walking among me today.



Anonymous said...

Today is definitely a CAKE day!!!!!
Yoooohoooo...the girl is finally DONE!
Good for you and we all celebrate in your crossing the finish line.
How nice of your workplace to have a party for you.
EAT CAKE....I think I will go and have some, too! :)
God Bless,

Anonymous said...

Jane, I am so happy for you today....the end of your long journey at last !!!!! E N J O Y !

Anonymous said...



Rev Schullar

end quote