Saturday, October 22, 2005

A rainy day

Tim had a friend sleep over last night. And do you know what time we all got out of bed? Just about noontime! Geez,I felt like a teenager. The boys went to bed probably around 3 a.m. ish, and I went to bed around 11 ish. Guess I got enough sleep. Sure did feel great. I would wake up every so often, look at the clock, know that it was raining, and then go back to sleep. Haven't had a sleep like that in a long time.

After bringing Andrew home, we went to the outlets to do some shopping. I was surprised at how busy the stores were. A dreary rainy day.

I went to see Tim play a soccer game in the rain this evening. It was the last game that I would see this year. He plays his official last game on Monday after school, but I'll be at work. They tied and the game was pretty even. I have enjoyed watching him grow this season.

We came home to a home cooked meal prepared by Barry. He stayed home due to the weather. No need to get sick. He had cooked "city chicken", mashed potato and a nice red cabbage dish. And of course, gracy. What a nice treat.

After dinner, I went in the hot tub. First time in months that I've enjoyed it. While going through radiation I was not able to, plus the summer was so hot. I enjoy the using it when the temps are cool. The best time is during a snow storm.

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