Thursday, October 20, 2005

Dr's Visit today

I met with Dr. Garrow today. Everything is fine and I don't have another appt. until next May. Have scheduled a mammogram in March. Pap smear will be scheduled in the spring sometime. While there I got a flu shot at his recommendation.

I have an interview with another department at the bank tomorrow morning. Don't know if it's a better job for me, but as it is now I come home often in a bad mood. Not the best way to treat myself and especially Tim. I'm not nervous at all since I know the woman who is the boss, and because it's only a job. Don't sweat the small stuff!

I have written the blog support people. I don't know why their blue header is covering up the top of my blogs. Very annoying to me. Hopefully they will respond to my email.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The photo of tim and annie is sooo nice. Jobs can be quite stressful at times for sure. I hope something comes up for you that is a better fit maybe. It is tough working, going through what your family has is going through and just the day to day grind of WORK.
God really made some kind of wonderful creatures that we can do all this and more...esp. women...multi taskers of the world.
see you at the game friday, i hope.