Monday, October 24, 2005

When I got home from work today, I saw a deer in the backyard. I haven't seen a deer for such a long time. Tim has seen one in the morning after I have left for work. And then two more arrived. As usual I said to them, "God bless you. You are so special. And please be careful, next month the boys will be after you!" I had to grab a picture just to show you. You will only see 2 of them, the other was still in the woods.

That's the highlight of my day. I'm easily thrilled.

Tim's got a sore throat so he has orders to stay away from Barry. He did go to school today. It was his last soccer game and since it was raining, he felt he couldn't miss it!! Oh well. I've medicated him the best I can. When he left his bedroom this morning, I sprayed lysol.

Well, that's it for today. No word on job. That's fine though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isnt it GREAT that we can have some enjoyable moments in the hectic daily life to enjoy Gods creatures. You have your deer, WE have our birds. The feeder is full, and the birds have returned for another winter season, knowing we will be enjoying them thruout the next cold winter months. Got to find the electric heater to melt the ice in the birdbath, if and when