Saturday, October 01, 2005

Tim's homecoming dance is this evening

Barry was up all night from effects of chemo. Wide awake from one of the drugs. Not sure if he ever did fall asleep.

I picked up Tim's flowers for Annie in the morning. Then woke him up and we went to his soccer game. Due to Barry's work schedule, he was able to see both of Tim's games this week. It was such a beautiful day today. Perfect weather. The game was tied.

During the afternoon, both Barry and I washed our vehicles. Tim did his usual weed wacking of the yard. It was about 3:30 p.m. that he went inside to clean up for the homecoming dance. So nice having a boy, low mainenance. I was so proud of him today as I watched him get dressed for his first big dance. After every thing that has happened in our family, it is so nice that he actually has remained such a great kid. He's the best. He dressed in black, which I told him is always classy. Black dress shirt and slacks. That's all you need to look good. I took some pictures of him outside and then we went to pick up his date Annie C. at about 5 p.m.

We arrived at Annie's house and she looked gorgeous in her midnight blue dress. The flowers that Tim gave her matched her dress perfectly. Her parents and family greeted us as we took more pictures of Tim and Annie. They own a dairy farm, hard working family.

We then drove the kids to BJ's house to meet the other six couples. You should have seen all the family and friends of these handsome children taking pictures of them. It was such a site. After Annie had heard that some girls were at beauty parlors having their hair done, I heard her tell them that her cousin had styled her hair in her kitchen, and that there were 74 bobby pins in it. She is a beautiful girl and very down to earth, nothing phony about her. These boys and girls were so perfectly dressed. And as I learned from this experience, boys' ties match the girls' dresses. Tim has known most of these kids since moving here. It's so nice that they remain friends. I've heard these names for a long time. Can't say it enough, good kids. My wish is that in years to come I can continue to say these things.

After picture taking the parents drove the couples to a local restaurant where they were able to dine by themselves. While the kids were eating, we went back to BJ's house and had so much food. She had made meatballs/sausage and sauce, pasta and so many appetizers. Melda had made wedding soup which was so delicious. We were there for about 2 hours and then picked up the kids for the dance.

When Tim and Annie got into the truck (and yes Tim opened the door for her), they got to laughing because Annie ordered off the kids menu! Chicken fingers. Tim also had chicken. It was so nice that the kids were actually talking in the truck and not shy. Dropped them off at the dance by 8:30 p.m. Will be picking them up at 10:30 p.m.

As you can see by the length of this blog, it was a GOOD day for our family. A day that no one take can away from us. And will stay in my heart for a long time. As Tim got dressed this afternoon I told him that he is the reason that I've become sociable.

I picked Tim and Annie up at 10:30 p.m. They had such a good time at the dance. We then drove Annie home.

Thank you BJ (a blogger) for planning such a nice gathering. And to many more good days...........

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