Sunday, June 12, 2005

Barry's turn with Neulasta

The neulasta is right on schedule. Barry's in bed now feeling the many aches in his body from the shot on Friday. Only thing you have to think is this: it's doing what it's supposed to be, and tomorrow it will be history. A couple of years ago this drug wasn't even used. I think his aches are much stronger than mine. Worst thing for me was the headache, but I'm ready now. I have bought excedrin since it has caffeine in it which people say is what you need.

Another nice day here. Spent most of it inside. Was able to take a small nap.
Then Tim went to play soccer with some of his friends. All in all, a day of rest for me. And why not, it is Sunday a day of rest.

Saw sign this weekend that strawberries are ready to be picked. That means Barry and Tim will be picking lots of berries this week. Mmmmmm. They were running about 3 weeks late we heard.

And Maureen, had I gone topless for real... I think I would have definitely been banned from the pool! Or else scared everyone and had the pool to myself. Geez, that's an idea..

Cooked both days on the grill this weekend. Steak yesterday and chicken today. And dad, I cooked it just right. A little burnt around the edges. Made some homemade potato salad to go with it. I also want to thank my food angels this week: Kelly, Jan and Carol a neighbor of mine. We certainly have wonderful people in our lives. Thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You looked great yesterday at Marti Park. You are such an inspiration to me. I'm so glad we got to know each other through Tim & Ben. Hope you have a great week and Barry is feeling better.
