Monday, June 06, 2005

A new week

I have just a smidge of a headache left right now. Was up and down most of the night, but that could mean a good night's sleep tonight.

The headache is finally gone. Shhhhhh. Don't want it to come back.

Just a short blog today. A tiring day for me. But I do know that it will get better in a couple of days.

Thanks for all your nice comments.


Anonymous said...

I’ve been away from the computer all weekend launching NIFTY.
Sounds like you’re going through the transitional phases of treatment and on your way to good health and a full head of hair. (although I’m growing accustomed to yours and Barry’s chrome domes)

I was thinking of the ’82 bike trip we took to the Outer Banks, and what an exciting journey and adventure it was. Hard to believe it was almost 25 years ago. We should do another one to someplace we haven’t been to…like circumnavigate the Great Lakes. Now there’s something to look forward to beyond the scope of the treatments you’re going through right now.

Remember…while we fret and worry over life’s course…daffodils are asleep beneath our feet, silently working to brings us a flash of spring color after the dreary months of winter.

There will be a tremendous release of color and energy in your life after you’re on the other side of all this.



Anonymous said...

Ah Jane, I wish there was something one of us could do to help take this burden from you, Barry, & Tim......just know we're all there for anything you need. Meg