Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Angels on earth! Losing hair today but I took CONTROL

Lately when people past my desk at work, they check out to see what I am eating. Often I've had a snack (or two), also. I tell them what I'm eating and I also tell them that Angels deliver our family dinners three times a week. And then I explain the definition of Angel and friend. One in the same. And as you can see from a couple of comments that have been posting, others think that is a cool gesture. I have one suggestion, or should I say my husband does. It would be so nice to have the recipe included with the meal because all the food is so delicious. Again, thanks to our Angels.

Just moments ago, during my lunch, I went to scratch my head and hair came out. I know I've been expecting this to happen and making fun of it, but it is a bit upsetting right now to me. Have just called my hairdresser and she will shave my head tomorrow after my scheduled nail appointment. Since this hair has been in my head for 49 years, I'm saving some pieces for a scrapbook!

Have decided to fight back once again. Going to get head shaved tonight. Not going to let the drugs do it, I'm taking control.

Got the head shaved and it is so liberating. Just what my other bosom buddy cancer survivors told me! Jody and Linda. Don't know why but it is. Just something magical that happens to us. Retta is my hairdresser and she was wonderful to me. I took pictures as I got it shaved and will post them soon. Watching American Idol and hoping Bo wins.


Anonymous said...

What a great way to show your appreciation for the meals; to ask for the recipe! Maybe in your spare time (what spare time) you can put together a little cookbook and sell it to benefit the cancer society.

Anonymous said...

I'll buy one!! Meg

Anonymous said...

Well, if she wants a date with Bo, she'll have to double-date because I want a date with Carrie!!!

She can warm the back seat of my motorcycle anytime.

C'mon, Jane...just thinking about a date with him would make your hair grow back. :)

Anonymous said...


That's a great idea about the recipes. I have often thought the same thing. Glad you continue to take control of things, that way you aren't letting them get the best of you.
