Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I am turning into an official conehead. The stubs I used to have are disappearing and now it's the bald look.

Off to work with pink hat and parrot earrings. A good pair.

Today was first day of work after a software update. Therefore, you guessed it. A day from you know what. No lunch break and I worked 1/2 hr. extra just to get my desk cleaned up from my daily work. A very exhausting day. Sure do hope tomorrow is better as I need to be in good shape for Thursday's chemo.

Have spoken to Barry this evening and he is losing some hair on top of his head. Hoping it doesn't all come out. Otherwise, he's going to be my matching conehead.
Time will tell.

I go for blood work tomorrow in preparation for round 2 of chemo. Hope everything is OK to keep rolling.


Anonymous said...

Not having to shave your legs! I never thought that would be a side effect. But it's a good one! Keep up the good spirits. You are truly blessed with friends (angels) helping with your meals and such. Best of luck with your next treatment. Will be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers (on Thursday particularly). Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to tell Maureen that I am glad she is home from the hospital and blogging again. I'm sure you missed them Jane, but so did I.

I am so glad you started this blog. I have learned so much over the past several weeks. Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Jane - You are a great blogger! I am impressed every day by your attitude and energy. I knew there was a reason I kept in touch with you for over forty years! Yikes did I just say forty years! Am glad that Maureen is doing great. Take care, Love Mary Lou