Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Meals of love and new bloggers

Couldn't get into bed fast enough last night. Had good time at program, but during the p.m. at work I was feeling as if I was losing steam. Sort of a stiff neck coming, a lot of burping and a feeling of lump in my throat as I swallowed. So wished I could just lie down somewhere but I was at work. My sister told me to take tums and to speak to doctor about it. I'll call my doctor this a.m. Still don't feel %100 now. But I must say that I slept the longest intervals last night.

My work environment is strange. I continue to work there with little and no comments like "how are you feeling?" from my area. There is one girl that does talk to me about the cancer. But others perhaps don't know what to say. I just would expect more since I do have more than just a common cold. I am thankful for a couple of my buddies at the job, and they know who they are.

I did make a call to the nurse at the Cancer Center on how I've been feeling. She told me to take a compazine pill/anti nausea. Also, said these are probably my crappy days. Have to go through a cycle to see what/how your body will react. That way you know for next cycles. The pill did the trick and the burping stopped. I just had very little energy at work, just kept yawning most of the time.

Came home once again to another wonderful meal of love. Thanks to Lisa, Kelly, Meg and Michelle for the recent meals. It is such a load off of my mind, you wouldn't believe it. Also, thanks to all my new blogger friends. You bring a smile to my face as I read your comments.

Go Bo! American Idol


Anonymous said...

Jane, I think you're probably right in that people don't know what to say. Perhaps they're worred that they'll ask how you feel and you'll yell at them (and may have the right, or want to yell at them), "HOW THE HECK DO YOU THINK I FEEL!" My friend even ran into co-workers resenting how much time she was off work. To them she would say, "The time off work may sound nice, but you have to take the whole ball of wax with it, including the illness!" I think that put things in perspective for them. The point is, don't let their attitudes get in your way of recovery - do what you need to do for yourself and your family. Meg

Anonymous said...

Jane - I think Maureen has it right. You need all your energy for you. Not thinking about why other people do what they do. Maybe they just don't know what to say. What is important is you, Barry and Tim. You have so much support beind you! Love Mary Lou

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,

I was thinking of Barry today and his big day tomorrow. Let him know that I will be praying for him. And about the people at work, I know that they are just uncomfortable about what, when, why and where? You talking to them about your cancer will probably make them feel a little more at ease.

love ya,


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane....the people you work with are probably just like me....not really knowing what to say and just how to say it. Just take care of YOU...Barry...and Tim. Good luck to Barry tomorrow. You both are always in my thoughts and prayers. gerry

Anonymous said...

Jane, Several of my co-workers are cancer survivors and even they don't know what the right thing to say is, and they have been through it. Just know that we are here, reading, hoping and praying even if we don't comment every day. Love from all of us here in Byfield.
PS- Those people at work stop to tell me they ar praying for you and Barry. How about that!

Anonymous said...

Jane, tell barry we will all be thinking of him tomorrow. don't worry about the other people it is all about you and barry now and not them you come 1st. peg and curt said to say hi. that is so nice of everyone to do your meals. to bad the elephant bar is so far away or we would send you a meal..

Anonymous said...

It's funny how different people react differently. I was teaching and going through chemo. I actually rejoiced at being able to go into school and not have people talking to me about cancer. I got in front of my classes and taught and directed my students' learning and dealt with professional issues and I was so happy to feel normal. It got my mind off of my illness which was such a good thing for me. When I did want to talk about my situation, I had a few very good friends who would listen. Those few close friends continue to be my best friends today. Afterwards, many of my colleagues told me how sorry they felt for me and did not know what to say. I was happy that I did not sense their feeling sorry for me at the time. Everyone is correct about saving your energy. Count on a few close friends to share your feelings and concerns with. (Unfortunately,too, many people have their own personal problems to deal with and just don't have the energy or time to help us with ours.)Also, your situation is so unique that I am sure most of your colleagues are just at a loss to know what to say or do. Keep concentrating on getting well and my prayers are especially for Barry tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Jane, don't worry about the people at work. They don't mean you any harm, it's just that sometimes people don't know what to say. In that case it's sometimes better to say nothing. I know that I do this myself. Just focus on you, Barry and Tim. That's what's important right now. Barry good luck tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you.

Much Love to you all in God's Country..........Vinny