Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Another trip to E.R. and home...

Last night it began at about 7 p.m., coughing that wouldn't stop. And my nasal passages were clear but my chest consisted of blood. Light red. Did sleep through the night and then Barry took me to hospital. You know that I am sick of hospitals. We were there for about 3 hrs. doing blood work and chest x-ray. Typical as soon as I pulled in to driveway there was no phlem or blood, and no cough. Calm as can be.

I was told to watch for these symptoms again, as they could have been caused by tumors in my body. I was eventually discharged.

This p.m. I took a nap with oxygen (as I needed some in the hospital). Tomorrow a.m. I have appt. with primary dr. at 10 a.m., Thursday appt. with surgeon followed by oncologist visit. Busy couple of days.

This is why I didn't post last last. Had other things on my mind.

PS I was given a new pillow from Lisa to try out. One that you read books while sitting in bed.
Am willing to try anything.

Take care.


Anonymous said...


I was concerned that something was going on as I checked your blog several times today looking for an update, and I was concerned when there wasn't a new one. Sorry you had to make a hospital run. I can only imagine how tired you are of that place.

Hope you get some rest tonight. Good luck with those appointments.

Love you! Ann L.

Anonymous said...

saying it for you tonight...CANCER SUCKS!!!!!!!! Keep the faith my friend. love, linda f

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane...I knew something was up with the comment Barry had on his messanger. I didn't know if it was him or you. I hope you have a better night. Did you get the portable oxygen tank yet? Love you and sleep good.........

Anonymous said...

just keep the cough med rolling every 4 hours and the moisture going in the oxygen!! glad u posted after i talked to u last night!! u can call whenever u know!!love u lots moe hi to the boys!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you get some well needed and deserved rest today! Love ya, Mary Lou

Anonymous said...

Jane, I also checked your blog several times and was wondering what was up. Becky told me about your trip to the ER at the band concert.

Tim had a wonderful short solo in part of one of the songs. He plays the flute which is a little unusual for a guy and he plays it beautifully. Very well rounded individual since he plays the drums during marching band!!!

Hope your pillow worked out ok.

Lisa P

Anonymous said...

Hope you are resting well on this cold snowy day. I bet you didn't wait long at your appt today...i bet few came in for their appts...talk to you soon love ya

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,

Glad you are home and they didn't admit you to the hospital! Hope you are keeping warm.
This winter weather just doesn't want to let up!

Keep us posted on how you are feeling.

Love, JoAnn