Sunday, January 25, 2009

My good friends Beckster and Debbie the English lady. You can't put a price on friendship.

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Unknown said...

I wondered where the english lady comes from as I come from London and have lived in America for 43 years. I am an American citizen and lived in Patchogue/Medford Area for 38 years before moving to sunny florida.
You look good in the photos my hair doesn't look like that on GOOD days. hehehe


Anonymous said...

that picture reminds me of what a nice visit we had that night. Lots of good laughs and hugs. Jane you are so right our friendship is priceless. I still remember when we went out to dinner the first time together just the two of us and you said you had never done that back in your old town. Now look at have friends who come out of the wooodwork to spend time with you. You have a wonderful 'bouquet of girl friends' here. You are one very loved lady by us all. Hope you are having a good day. I love ya

Anonymous said...


I am glad you aren't in the hospital anymore! Good to be at home in your own bed, isn't it? Hope you have less and less incision pain as that area heals. Hope you can rest comfortably.

JoAnn S.

Anonymous said...

Looking good here Jane but looked even better when i saw you in person on Sunday. Hoping to find time in the next week or so to have lunch with you. Wishing you continued success. Love linda f

Anonymous said...

Hey Wonderwoman: It was great to chat with you on Monday afternoon. You sounded like you were having a good afternoon and I was glad to be able to catch up with you. As I said sending tons of prayers your way!
Love Ya's,
Debs ;-}