Saturday, January 24, 2009

Can't put into words how much this blog means to me..

Had trouble thinking of a title today for my blog entry. Hard to put into words what I'm thinking and what this blog means to me. Since it's on the internet, a website, how can I save it without printing it daily? I want it saved so that Tim and others could go back later on and look at where my mind has been these past years. And what I was thinking. To know I have touched so many people truly inspires me/motivates me to continue each day.

I want to welcome NJ a long distance "blogger friend". You don't know how much it meant to me when I read your comment. I shed a few tears of joy upon reading your nice comment. I have a "counter" on my blog since April 2008 to show me how many people look at my blog. Last time I looked it was over 31,000 hits. So many people have been touched by my story. But I am selfish, look forward to hearing from you also. It's easy and it's free to leave a comment. Some people tell me that they thought they needed to create an account to do so but that is not the case. You can just sign in anonymous, leave your comment, and just sign your abbreviated name so I know who is writing it. Like JK.

And I learn so much from your comments. Like Anne's comment about church tomorrow. Can't believe that they are singing my favorite song Awesome God. Becky just called me to tell me also. And to offer a ride if needed. Told her that we'll be there if at all possible. May not stay the entire service because of discomfort but it's going to be hard to keep me from being there.

Well, that's it for now. PS. Only got up 3 times last night! Forward...


Anonymous said...

I have also wondered about how to print the entire blog with comments and all in an efficient way. Not only do I read each blog you write but I always read everyone elses comments. I have learned so much from your messages but also from others comments. Especially as we have seen this week from someone we don't even know. So I do encourage anyone out there who does not comment to do so for Jane. It is a bright spot in jane's day to read your encouraging words. Thanks to all who blog and a special thanks to all who are going to blog TODAY!! As always love ya

Anonymous said...

Jane, I think I check your blog at least, well, probably 4-5 times a day. Not only do I check to see if you blogged, but I also read all the comments. One thing that this blog has done for so many people, like Linda F, is give them an outlet to read about hurting people, as they are hurting themselves. It gives them hope. You are an amazing woman. I think God has given you this spiritual gift. You have touched so many lives.
I love you.

Lisa P

Anonymous said...

JANE...I am so happy you are home. I know the feeling all too well. Each day is a blessing for use to have you in our lives. Please always remember how much we love and cherish you. I am having a jammie party with Jamie tonight. He didn't come last night. I wish it was one with you....All my love

Anonymous said...


Although we don't blog often, many of your colleagues at Westminster READ your blog everyday!! It is our way to stay in touch with what's going on each day in your life! As so many others have said in their messages to are an AMAZING woman!!! Keep up the good fight. We miss and love you!

Your WC Friends

Anonymous said...


Your blog is a wonderful way to record this journey. I can't walk in your shoes, but I feel I can be a little part of this. You continue to inspire me and teach me how to handle "C" with grace and courage.

Love you, Ann L.

Anonymous said...

Jane, I too now rush home from work to read your blog. I often don't get home until after 10pm but that's good because its right before I go to sleep and you are remembered in my prayers. You are Amazing Jane...with Amazing Grace! Keep it up! Bec R

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane
You asked me to leave a message on your blog...and here I am. (Even though you know I am more of a phone girl) But how could I say no to you Jane? I enjoyed our visit last night. You always amaze me with your sunny personality, no matter how you are feeling or what you are going through. Thanks for being my friend and showing me what strength and courage look like. I wish I had read your blog from day 1.. but I've known you since our boys were riding their dirt bikes together..remember those days? Hope you have a good night tonight. Anytime you want visitors,just call! Love you.

JoAnn S.

Jenny said...

Hi Jane, Barry and Tim... I do check your blog very regularly, I have been a blogging friend now for several months. I pray for you all every day, for strength , perseverance, and courage. (which we all know you have an abundance of). God Bless You this day as you bless so many by your honesty and willingness to be an open book if you will. You have the ability to reach so many and your spirit of hope is a message that is like a dose of the strongest healing medicine possible! Keep on keeping on,,, Your friend , Jenny

Anonymous said...

Jane - catching u with you on your blog since we returned from Florida. Sorry to hear about this last setback but glad you are home from hospital and we hope to see you in church today. You continue to inspire us all.

Basketwebb said...

Hi Jane,

Your message was very persuasive and I decided since I do follow your blog every day; ever since I read the article about you online at the New Castle News last spring, that I should leave a comment. I pray for you daily, my son and daughter in law are pastors at a Free Methodist Church in Wisconsin and they also pray for you daily; I have shared your blog with them also. Your faith is an inspiration to so many people and even though we have never met in person I consider you to be a friend. Enjoy your Sunday and I hope that you were able to get to church to fellowship with all of your special friends!
Warmest Wishes from your cyber friend, Sheila from Ohio originally from New Castle PA.