Friday, January 16, 2009


Jane's mind is perfect. She had known I was to call her at 7AM and right at 6:59AM she calls me and tells me in a very hoarse voice that she has been up since 4am and that u know maureen that at 4 am u have to take someone's temperature and wake them up!!! States I can't talk any more as I have to rest up for 1pm. I think the conversation lasted less than a 10 second countdown. I am glad Jane is still in control as she has been in the past. U go Jane and my final words were take the VERSID-that pre med that makes u relax and not remember getting on the operating table. Here comes the positive energy wave/prayers from Holliston in 10 below zero weather so it might move slower---today. Told her of recent posts quickly. May u do tons of cat naps today and breeze thru todays surgery. U know everyone loves u bunches!! adios moe


Anonymous said...

Jane, I just got caught up on your week! You are one tough cookie! I think you are doing the right thing with the surgery. I had the talc procedure, and I've had no discomfort or fluid build up since. Praying they keep you comfortable and give you some relief! Love you! Ann L.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jane: So today is another wonderwoman day and you will be fine lady! Sending tons of prayers your way and I will keep in touch with Barry.
Love Ya,
Debs ;-}